Page 12 - Best In Class
P. 12

7020 SHARP CHEDDAR           7014 SMOKEY BACON           7016 JALAPEÑO SNACK
    SNACK SPREAD                 SNACK SPREAD                SPREAD
    Queso cheddar fuerte         Queso ahumado tocino        Queso Jalapeño propagacion
    This buttery and mellow      merienda                    merienda
    Cheddar cheese spread        Golden cheddar              Cheddar spiced with
    is our most popular flavor.  cheese accented with        lively jalapeño and bell
    12 oz. cup. $12.00           hickory-smoked bacon        peppers. Serve warmed
                                 flavor. 12 oz. cup. $12.00  or chilled. 12 oz. cup.

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